This piece, titled "Black Gold Dollar," explores the symbolism of wealth and power by blending traditional and modern elements. Using the American hundred-dollar bill as the central motif, the black and gold color scheme creates a striking visual impact, symbolizing mystery, power, and wealth. The portrait of Benjamin Franklin honors his contributions to wisdom, innovation, and leadership. Detailed elements like "IN GOD WE TRUST" and the Federal Reserve emblem highlight the dollar's historical and cultural significance. Through this artwork, I aim to provoke thought on the relationship between wealth and power while paying tribute to influential figures.
Super creation enhances maximum greatness—that's what our metal artwork is all about. Using our love of original art and some technical wizardry, we take this inherently epic experience to a whole new level that you just have to experience for yourself.
Super creation enhances maximum greatness—that's what our metal artwork is all about. Using our love of original art and some technical wizardry, we take this inherently epic experience to a whole new level that you just have to experience for yourself.